Friday, 28 December 2012

Now What?

December 21 has come and gone without even a hiccup. I am still looking for some photos or videos of those poor individuals who spent a small fortune building bunkers or flying half way around the world to some remote mountain in order to be spared the carnage. On one hand it is a little surprising that the... oh what shall we call them... globalists, elitists, power brokers... you know the people that think that they have a right to rule and that the rest of us are just "useless eaters" and should be eliminated... I'm surprised that they did not try to take advantage of all of the hype and stage something that would work to suit their ends. Perhaps they did and it has not yet manifested... perhaps God's people prayed enough that He extend an additional mercy. We may not know until His kingdom is established.

One thing that we can't discount is that this event may have been inspired by the enemy to cause fear, cause death and to become desensitized to any prophetic writings. I am praying right now for a good word to speak the next time I talk to someone about the gospel and prophecy. I expect that I will now run into many more people that will scoff even more at the prophetic warnings in scripture because of the false alarm of the Mayan calendar.

We do know that the trouble is not over. In fact, the Word says that when the world declares "peace and safety" that is when destruction comes upon them... if we are still here when those things are being announced, I too will want to check eBay for a "bunker sale"

There will be many trials ahead... we are headed into a time in history unlike any other. I've seen and read quite a bit regarding the horrors of WWII so it is a little hard to imagine things being worse yet our Lord has said so. We must be ready.... and I don't mean bunkers and remote mountain escapes. Make your heart ready. Prepare your spirit now to be lead by Yahweh so that when He says, "Speak" you speak and when He says, "run" you run.

It seems the next "big thing" to expect will be an attack on Israel. There is some debate whether the next attack will be the Psalm 83 war, the Ezekiel 38 war or whether it is one in the same. This author tends to believe they are separate events. If this is true then the next battle will be won by Israel's military. I pray that Israel has learned it's lesson about being prideful after military victories. It was their pride after the miraculous 6-Day war that almost cost them a defeat in 1972. I pray this time they give God the glory before they even launch their first tank. In any case God does give them the victory. If this battle is indeed the Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel 38, then Yahweh's victory will be spectacular to the point that the world will be forced to acknowledge Him or willingly choose to rebel.

Pray for Israel, pray for insight, pray for the strength to walk unencumbered. This will enable us to walk with a purpose and not be taken off-course by the next ancient hieroglyph-inscribed rock from South America. 

Friday, 21 December 2012

Be Peculiar This Christmas

As we move closer to the return of Yeshua and the start of His everlasting kingdom, it seems natural that many of us are questioning what is real and important. If we knew that we would be kneeling in front of the judgment seat of Christ tomorrow, how concerned would we be about renovating our houses, our retirement fund or celebrating Christmas? It is this last one I want to focus on. Assuming most of the people reading this are believers, I won't go through all the details about the pagan origins of what we now call Christmas... that information is all to easy to get. For the few that have not studied it, here are the highlights:

1) The early church did not celebrate Christmas. It was not until the church age of Pergamos (in which the church married the world) that Christmas became a church honoured holy day.

2) December 25th was originally a pagan sun-worship day... the winter solstice. Many pagan gods were supposedly born on this day and subsequently had festivals attributed to them, but the Roman festival of Saturnalia seems to have been the most popular at the time that the Roman church created Christmas and "discovered" that the date of Christ's birth was... surprise, December 25th.

3) Some of the elements of the pagan solstice festivals included ivy, holly, mistletoe and were rife with immorality, revelry, drinking and gluttony... sounds like the average company Christmas party doesn't it?

4) The familiar Christmas image of Mary and baby Jesus really has its roots in the common theme of pagan goddess and child such as Isis and Horace or more notably the Babylonian pair of Semiramis and her "Messiah" like son, Tammuz

5) The Yule log tradition comes from the worship of the Scandanavian fertility god Jule who was honoured in a twelve day ceremony in which a log was kept burning and daily sacrifices were made.

It's probably not necessary to mention the very anti-Christian roots and meanings behind Santa Claus. It seems most bible-believing Christians are uncomfortable with this pagan elf anyway so enough said.

The question I want to raise is this. Does Christmas's clear pagan origins mean that we should not celebrate it? After all... no Christian I know openly honours Jule or Tammuz, so what is all the fuss? The point is this... I believe that the Father cares VERY much about the origin of things when they are used in the worship of Him. He was extremely explicit to the Israelites to not conform to any of the ways of her Caananite neighbours even to the point of being commanded to not wear clothing of mixed fabric. There are so many Old Testament verses about avoiding paganism that you couldn't swing a curly-toed toy-making elf without hitting one. What about the new Testament? Some would argue that our newfound liberty in Christ affords us the right do whatever isn't clearly against scripture and to let no man judge us in holy days.

If taken in context, those New Testament scriptures (1 Cor 8:4-13; 1 Cor 10:14, 18-21; Rom 14:1-13) speak of our liberty in terms of continuing with Old Testament (Yehovah ordained) holy days and feasts, many of which were pictures of Christ and have now been fulfilled. In other words, there is no longer a need for us to go up to Jerusalem three times a year to sacrifice but if you really wanted to... well we couldn't anyway so the point is moot. What Christian liberty does not allow is to absorb pagan idol worship into our worship of Christ. Mixing practices like this is an offence to Yahweh. I used to love Christmas as much as anyone but as it became more and more commercialized, stressful, expensive and hollow I started to question it. It became really hard to picture being in the new kingdom and seeing nativity scenes everywhere or drinking eggnog as a way of celebrating the birth of our Saviour. This led to a study of it's roots and a fresh perspective of what the bible has to say about it.

I hope you do the same. I don't think that celebrating Christmas will send a person to hell but I do think that if you really truly want to honour the gift of Christ, you will do it everyday thorough obedience and real heart worship and not by following the fish downstream in a tainted commercialized stressful 3-week construct that originally honoured a sun-god and his mother. We are called to be a peculiar people. What a better way to show your peculiarity?


Saturday, 1 December 2012

UN Resolution and the Gog/Magog War

Well this one seems to have snuck in under the radar.

When the PA's bid for recognition by the UN died out months ago, I figured they would eventually try again but that we'd hear about it before hand, like we did months ago but just like so many political decisions being made today, they seem to pass without the general public's knowledge or consent. Isn't it ironic that the very same organization that helped create the modern state of Israel now becomes the vehicle for the greatest threat to its survival?

Recognizing the PA seems in this case also recognizing the Palestinian-friendly map of the region in which Jerusalem is in PA territory and Israel becomes essentially indefensible. This decision by the UN changes nothing on the ground as Benjamin Netanyahu said but it certainly will embolden the terrorist state. It may very well be just the push that Israel's enemies need to launch an attack, in order to take back the territory lost in the 1967 war. This could be the groundwork for the Gog/Magog war mentioned in Ezekiel.

Could we have stopped this? Probably not but it does not matter whether this particular gambit could have been prevented. The fact is that Israel will be surrounded by her enemies because it was prophesied and that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will step in and save them in such miraculous fashion (major earthquake with a little dash of pestilence, friendly-fire, hail, torrential rain, and let's not forget fire and brimestone) that the nation of Israel will need to create a "department of grave digging" and spend the following seven months burying bodies. Alongside that, they will have collected enough weapons to burn in place of wood for seven years. Okay... that one escapes me a bit. How exactly does one use a spent RPG to bake bread? I'm obviously missing something. I wonder if some new type of weapons will be used.

What do we do? Only what we've been told in the scripture. Pray for the peace of Israel. Also give financially or materially, if we can, to build bomb shelters and support those on the ground already to counsel our Jewish brothers and sisters that are no doubt feeling a lot of stress right now. It may very well be that after this event, the 144, 000 Jewish men come on the scene (after having seen the power of God save them) and start evangelizing the rest of Israel (and I hope the world). This may also be the time that antichrist barters his peace treaty with Israel, only to break it 3.5 years later.

Friday, 16 November 2012

A Prayer from Canada

Father in heaven

These are dark times. The U.S. is more divided than it has been in nearly 150 years. Your people Israel are facing a greater threat than they have in decades, the earth is groaning and people are desperate. Send out a spirit of truth and trust... a spirit of repentance and reconciliation, a spirit of power and peace. Help believers in the U.S. to know that You are in control... that sometimes the storm has to break up the ship they are on in order for them to make it to shore. Help those that call themselves by Your name to not let the waves around them, cause them to lash out at their brothers and sisters. Help them to see that when things look impossible, that the only place they can turn is to the God of the impossible. Ready their hearts for what is ahead. May eyes be open and hearts be receptive. Help them to shed anything that is not of You in their lives and start on a new path that You direct. Draw Your children to You.

May those in Israel not put their trust in military might or political process but to You and You alone. We know that You will glorify yourself through the attack that is coming and that the world will know that You ARE Lord. May a cry of faith go up from Eilat to Metula so that many will be saved and that the millions in Israel that do not even believe in You come to know Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and be vessels of Your will.

Give us all a heart and a mind to walk in You in the coming months. May You be pleased to be in our midst and may You glorify Yourself through us.

Thank You for Your hand of protection, provision and empowerment in these dark times. Bless You oh Holy One of Israel.

In the name of Yeshua, Your only begotten son... Amen. 

Friday, 9 November 2012

Now What?

Two years ago, few people would have dreamed that Obama had a chance at a second term. Well it has happened, so now what?

For those still in shock, imagine what the disciples felt the day after the crucifixion. Before anyone thinks I am comparing Obama to our Messiah, I'm most certainly NOT... although many people early in his first term did. He in turn, mocked that sentiment in a speech he gave... but that... is for another blog.

I am saying, to a very small degree, that the disappointment some are feeling today has similarities. In the minds of the disciples, Christ was supposed to conquer the Roman oppressors and set up His earthly kingdom in their time but all their hopes had been dashed. Arrest? Torture?, Death? None of these factored into their plans even though Yeshua told them many times that those things must first take place. Coming to grips with the fact that the things we've seen in the last four years (gutting of the constitution, basic freedoms being eroded, hats being tipped to radical islamists) may continue and even ramp up, can be a depressing thought. 

Like the disciples though, let's not be shortsighted. No one saw what was coming, not even satan. Had he known what was to occur in a couple of days, he would not have influenced the people to crucify Yeshua. God is never limited and He desires to show himself mighty on the behalf of His people who will humble themselves before Him and turn from their sin and pray. Scripture seems to indicate that the world at this point cannot go back to its prosperous and carefree times and no one country can have pre-eminance anymore... it just doesn't play into God's endtime scenario. Times will be tough for many who have become used to privilege and ease (relatively speaking) but we are also one day closer to the resurrection.

Since the fall of man, all of creation has been groaning, waiting expectantly for the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8) If we can turn our sight to that day when our Saviour returns and does what Peter and John and the others thought He was going to do 2000 years ago, then we can weather the coming storm a bit better. If we will turn from our sin, humble ourselves and pray, then we can also believe God for supernatural protection and provision. 

This battle is not over yet either. God is a god of the impossible. Votes are still being counted, there could be unseen circumstances that may come into play... things could yet still change. The same hand that brought water out of a rock to give drink to a million people in the desert can do anything for His people.

Pray to Him, seek Him, listen for His voice, look for what He might do. If His will is for the current administration to stay in power, so be it, we have a better promise... a universal kingdom with no death, disease, hunger or pain... a kingdom of peace, joy and righteousness that will last for eternity. Isn't that worth four more years of... well you get my point.


Friday, 2 November 2012

Seemingly No Choice

When the Israelites were "locked" onto the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, the choices seemed rather poor; drown in the sea, starve on the beach or die at the hands of Pharoah's army which was now thundering through the narrow canyon towards them. Likewise, many may be thinking that there is no real choice in the upcoming election. One candidate seems pretty bent on continuing to "downgrade" the country, the other (a member of a cult) seems to serve the same special interest groups and ultimately the same one world order agenda. 

What is the believer to do?

He/she could just abstain from voting. I'm sure many will choose that route but perhaps there is a fourth choice... think about the exodus story again.

Contrary to the famous movie line by Yul Brenner, "Moses's God is a poor general", Yahweh knew exactly what He was doing. Our Creator did not look down and say, "oops, there is only one way onto or off of that beach and the chariots are coming... what ever shall I do?". No of course not. He wanted to show the Israelites and us today, that the great El Elyon will not, and cannot be penned in by mountains, oceans or circumstances. He brought His people to that beach to show them that He is the God of the impossible, the God of the unseen choice.

If God's people will humble themselves and pray, perhaps God will once again, do the impossible. "How can that be" you might say. "There is no third candidate and no time..." Humanly speaking you are absolutely right, but then who has ever heard of a wind blowing through an eight mile stretch of sea, creating a water-walled passage allowing people to cross over on dry ground?

The election is only days away. Pray for another choice.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Unholy Birthday

As we walk through our spiritual journeys, we are typically confronted with beliefs and customs we had held that are then revealed as outside of scripture and true biblical faith. Unfortunately so many of these tend to be beliefs and customs that we have held since childhood... and typically those which are embedded in our culture. This blog is not the place to cover them all so I'll skip to the latest I've learned about... birthdays.

Just like so many of the traditions and festivities that we take for granted, birthdays and the birthday party have a source... a beginning. It and the accoutrements that go with it, all have meaning. Quick question before we get too far... if we learn that those beginnings and original meanings are anti-God, would we be willing to abandon them?

The birthday celebration can trace its origins to pagan worship of the Greek goddess Artemis. In ancient Greece, worshippers would bake a cake, place lit candles on it and set it at the feet of her idol. Even singing "Happy Birthday", blowing out the candles, making a wish, and playing games such as "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" have their source in the pagan customs of warding off evil spirits, fortune-telling and magical powers.

There are two hurdles to adopting the proper response to all of this. The first is believing the facts. Is the birthday celebration really pagan... come on! Well that one is solved simply enough. Look up books such as "The Lore of Birthdays", "World Book Encyclopedia" or Google "historical roots of birthday" etc.

The second hurdle is perhaps the highest and that is coming to grip with the fact that the origins of a practice or belief is important even if we've "changed" the practices meaning in our minds. Imagine... would any of you throw a party where each child salutes their friends with the Nazi salute and says "Heil Hitler" and then eats desserts decorated with swastikas? Why not? Well what if you convinced yourself that the salute was to symbolize strong growth and forward progression of that persons life? What if you changed the phrase "Heil Hitler" to mean, "Be in Good Health" and what if the swastikas mean for you a full life encompassing all four directions... or something like that. Would altering those offensive symbolisms make them any more palatable? Of course not. They are still rooted in the evil slaughter of millions of people in the greatest act of genocide in the last century. Likewise God is not going to overlook the true meaning of birthdays and their pagan meanings just because we choose to alter those meanings. Every time we light birthday candles, we are mirroring the pagan worship of a false goddess.

Sure it will be tough to tell our children that they cannot have any more birthday parties. It may be a little awkward to tell your friends that you don't want a fuss made over your upcoming 40th but isn't it better to offend our family and friends than to offend the One who hold the keys to hell and death?


Saturday, 13 October 2012

Prince of the Power of the Air

Most of us are familiar with Ephesians 2:2-3, which says "in which you once walked according to the course of this worldaccording to the prince of the power of the airthe spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience3among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our fleshfulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mindand were by nature children of wrathjust as the others."

We've often heard that phrase "Prince of the power of the air" used to describe how satan is in control of the airwaves... media and the like. Perhaps a Greek scholar can offer some insight into those few words but that particular definition seems like a convenient conjecture.

That being said, satan does seem to have an almost iron grip on the media and popular culture. Even if the verse in Ephesians had read, "Prince of the power of the worms" it would not take away from the clear reality that satan and Hollywood are bedfellow.

So... my question is... are we giving place to this prince in our homes? Are we in any way conducting ourselves in the lusts of our flesh and mind... behaving like children of wrath?

This post came about as a result of some commercials that kept popping up on my wife's computer as she was trying to catch up on some middle east headline news. All of them were for upcoming movies and all of them had occult themes. 

We know that in the end times... err... I mean NOW, that the enemy will pour it on and draw people's heart away from the living God but how are those of us who are supposed to know better, responding to it? Are we keeping these things out of our home or are we allowing the world's pressure to shift our God inspired morals?

I was at a large inner-city church years ago to watch a public presentation of a move called "Time Changer". In the movie, a bible professor from 1890 travels forward in time to 2002 and gets a first hand taste of our "modern" world. The professor goes to a movie with a local church group but rushes out during the movie to demand that the movie be stopped. He was in a complete panic, leaving many in our audience thinking that perhaps there was a fire. When other characters ask the professor why the movie needed to be stopped, he explains that a character in the movie he was just watching took the Lord's name in vain. Many people in the church group I was in started to laugh... as did I. I then (and I hope all the others who laughed) was hit with heavy conviction over having considered a blasphemous word as such a light offence, not worthy of the reaction the professor showed. That lesson has stuck with me all these years later and I use it as a check to see if my morals are slipping. 

Would this professor, or better yet our Messiah, tell us to "stop the movie" if he were sitting beside us, watching what we watch? Will we have to give answer at the judgment seat to having let the prince of the power of the air into our homes and minds? 

It is time to cut ties with the world. I enjoy entertainment as much as anyone (used to be an avid movie buff) but it is simply getting too hard to find anything the world offers up as entertainment, even family entertainment that does not contain something that is an affront to God. Let us send the prince of the power of the air packing!


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Eye for an Eye.... not

Despite all of the mainstream news media stories that would attempt to portray Israel as oppressive occupiers, the truth is that they repeatedly show a spirit of forgiveness, humanitarianism and restraint with their "enemies'. A recent story about a mountain climber proves this once again.

Israeli mountain climber Nadav Ben-Yehuda set out to be the youngest Israeli to ever reach the peak of Mount Everest back in May. Just 300 metres from success, personal satisfaction and probably his 5 minutes of fame, he came across a Turkish climber, Aydin Irmak, who lost consciousness while on his way down from the peak. Ben-Yehuda set aside his personal goals and instead took on the role of the good Samaritan. He revived Irmak and and then carried him on his back for 8 hours until he reached their camp. In the process, he nearly lost some fingers to frostbite.

This, along with many other similar stories, are not going to appear on CNN or any other liberal media outlet. It has become uber-fashionable to hate Israel. I pray that this story opens up at least one persons eyes to the truth. The truth is that jews, struggle with sin and the flesh like we all do. They are just as capable of retribution and hatred as anyone and in some cases, do act that way but God's heart and hands are with them so that in spite of being isolated and hated by the world, they, for the most part, continue to show love and mercy. They need our prayer and support. They need the whole truth to be told.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Are There Any Dormant Volcanoes Left?

It seems that for the past few months, volcanoes, some of which have been dormant for centuries have begun in increasing fashion to wake up... even the mound that formed after Krakatoa took out most of it's island and killed 36,000 people in 1883, has started to rumble.

The bible makes no specific mention of volcanoes as an end time player but since earthquakes and volcanic explosions can have a similar cause (magma flow) this does seem natural. Some scientists have suggested that a single super volcano has the potential to wipe out life on this planet. We know that the many lives that will be lost in the coming months/years will not be from a single super volcano but the increased activity we are seeing makes one wonder what the final days of this planet will be like if it suffers under the effects of famine, disease, nuclear conflict, supers torms, earthquakes AND volcanoes.

If you haven't already done so, please realize that the natural disasters, political unrest, economic upheaval and stellar anomalies you are seeing are the final calls of a Holy and just God who wishes for no one to perish... but to turn to Him in obedience.

Seek His face now. Turn from all sin in your life and submit your life to Yeshua Ha Mashiach, who died to take your sins upon Himself so that if you accept His gift of eternal life, you can know ultimate peace, joy and fulfillment. Don't be one of the many that will have to face the tribulations that are about to hammer this planet and yet still stand in front of a Holy God to face further judgment. Humble yourself today and give your life to the One who gave His life for you.

May you be blessed in Yeshua.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Arab Spring, Islamic Winter, Antichrist "Fall"

Bible teachers have been declaring since the uprising in Tunisia in 2010 that what we were seeing was not a revolution of the people but a gambit of the enemy (Satan). Two years later, we are seeing multiple demonstrations and skirmishes (wars and rumours of wars) in areas all over the world that have are radical-islamic inspired. I'm not speaking against people of the islamic faith that want to live in peace (even though islam at its core is NOT a peaceful religion) but speaking against what is happening in the radical wings of the faith and against western governments that have been and still are blind to the real power behind this movement.

Syria is a perfect example of the nature of this revolution. We all agree that the Assad regime is evil and in a perfect world, it would be easy to side with the rebels that the mainstream media is trying to paint as a group humble civilians that have been pressed into action by years of oppression. The reality, however is that this grassroots uprising has been hi-jacked (and perhaps was instigated) by the Muslim brotherhood. This radical group is actively carrying out the goal of global jihad and the more victories they win, the more they become emboldened to press ever further. 

Let's clear our consciences right here and right now. An Arab Spring is a nice idea... where oppressed and dis-advantaged peoples of Arab origin win their right to self-determination. That is what we would like to see happen and so part of us seems to blinded to what the Arab Spring really was and is.

So... where is this leading? What comes after the Islamic winter? How about an Antichrist Fall?

How exactly does the Antichrist come to power? He's not just going to appear on CNN one day and announce himself supreme ruler... that comes later. He comes onto the scene with answers to crises that the world has never encountered before and is given successive power over the world. I believe that this islamic movement is part of Satan's scheme to put the man he will one day inhabit, into power. Imagine large groups of radical muslims storming the embassy in your city, taking over major intersections in protest or in prayer (as is seen in London) or imposing sharia law in your community. Imagine huge riots every time anyone does anything that the radicals find offensive (such as having a picture of Winnie the Pooh (Piglet) on an office wall... more on this another time). In the face of persistent violence and intimidation, people everywhere will cry for a "Spring" of their own and will welcome a leader... any leader that promises peace and safety. A man who seems able to placate the radicals, bring peace to the middle east and who has a solution for the devastating financial crises about the break, would be welcomed... even worshipped, as we know will happen. 

According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, the antichrist will present himself as God and unleash a campaign of violence and terror that makes Syria look like a cafeteria food fight. Revelation 13:7 says he will overcome even some of the saints and exercise power over all peoples of the earth. Praise God for His mercy and power for this antichrist's end has already been established. When our Lord and Saviour comes back to establish His kingdom, He will cause the antichrist to "Fall" into the Lake of Fire and then there will be a true Spring for the people's of the earth... under a righteous loving king.


Friday, 7 September 2012

What Happens When We are Poor Stewards

Believers agree for the most part that things are winding down. Evil and wickedness are increasing, the love of many is growing cold. We are seeing what many call discipline, falling upon our world as well in the form of financial, political and natural upheavals. I want to proclaim God's mercy and grace in all of this for God abhors evil, especially from those under His favour and blessing. In North America, we have enjoyed blessing and influence unlike any other nation on earth, perhaps aside from Babylon or Egypt at their pinnacles, and yet we have been poor stewards in so many ways and are deserving of far more than we have to this day seen. God in His mercy, is giving us more time.

"We know all of this" you might say. Well there is a point. The pattern of judgements that we seem to be falling under are not new. 

In 1873, the American West was the focus of most of the interesting events. It was also a period when there was a relatively quiet war... against the aboriginals and the buffalo. Yes the buffalo. Without going into the finer details, the military and private citizens were hunting the native buffalo at an insane level. Millions were slaughtered partly in order to starve aboriginals out of the region. Skirmishes helped to finish off their way of life. Is it simple coincidence that a series of events followed which just about destroyed the settlers way of life in the region as well?

In 1873 the bank that had been financing the rapid expansion of the rail system, failed, which cascaded into a failure of the whole national banking system. Following that, yellow fever swept through the Mississippi valley and drought struck the plains. Swarms of locust descended on the region, sometimes massing so thickly that locomotives were forced to stop. 1 Million Americans became jobless and the country fell into a severe depression. 

This certainly sounds like the discipline of a holy God. One might argue that point but I hope you were struck by the parallels here. Today, people are still slaughtering aboriginals, and whites, and blacks and latinos and asians through abortion, violent crime and unholy wars. Poor stewardship of our environment and wildlife is on par with wiping out the buffalo. In short, many are exhibiting the same pride and carelessness that almost brought the US to its knees 140 years ago. It is only by God's mercy and grace are we still standing and only by turning to Him with a broken and contrite spirit over our sins can we hope to be spared the judgements yet to come. 

Don't wait for history to repeat itself. Cry out to God for His mercy to rain upon you, your family and your country before the panic of 1873 revisits 2012.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

The Final Solution... Y2012

It's hard to get into this one without a lot of backstory. For those of you reading this that have not heard of FEMA/concentration camps or planned depopulation, globalist conspiracies etc, perhaps do a bit of research HERE.

Now that we are all up to speed, I can certainly say that we are in uncharted territory. Sure, those of you who lived through the chaos that was Germany in 1940 may know how to prepare but for the rest of us, how does one go about preparing for the possibility of being rounded up in the middle of the night by military agents and being moved to concentration camps? What is our crime? Being free thinkers!

If you are outspoken about religious/political matters. If you uphold the Word of God, ideas of sovereignty, freedom of speech, freedom of enterprise and so on, you are probably on a "list" of sorts that categorizes you into a coloured-coded threat level. Those in the highest level will likely be eliminated... okay more backstory... If anyone can offer a more plausible reason for tens of thousands of guillotines... that's right guillotines being set up in a neighbourhood near you, then I will retract this blog. Until then you have to come to grips with the idea that your very own country has no qualms about lopping off your head because you actively witness to people in public and post bible verses on your facebook page (soon-to-be deemed terrorists activities). There is a simple reason that military personnel all over the world are training within their own borders for house to house, search and seizure operations, riot control etc... The reason is this... that the rulers of this world know what is coming... to a degree. 

There is an orchestrated collapse of the global economy and independent governmental rule in the works that will lead to global unrest. If you know anything about Bible prophecy, you know about the antichrist and his one-world religion/government which this collapse will precede. Those at the helm of this collapse would rather that most of us were not here... especially us pesky Christians that tell people that they need to follow God's direction for their lives instead of man's. Their answer is to imprison, shoot or decapitate anyone expected to put up a fight.

Since the tower of Babel, man has tried to supplant God's rule with his own. Praise the living God that regardless of modern man's schemes, the Holy One of Israel will have the last say. This does not mean that Christ followers will escape the hands of the enemy's minions. Matthew chapter 24 clearly tells us that some will die for their faith, as Christians have been doing for 2000 years. Read Foxe's Book of Martyrs and realize that the premeditated murder of believers is not a new concept. We can consider ourselves fortunate to face a guillotine rather than being eaten alive by lions or turned into human torches but by no means are we destined to that. In spite of a few glib comments above, this post is designed to encourage you to drop everything in your life that does not line up with the Word of God so that you can be effective right up until His return. Remove everything that is hindering your walk with your Creator. Give up mind-numbing entertainment, pursuits for status or fame. Give up everything that will have no eternal value so that you can hear from God and follow His leading. You may still end up in a concentration camp but you can expect the full peace, presence and empowerment of God to help you fulfil your purpose and be able to stand in front of Him unashamed.

So how does one prepare for the world's final solution? How about a having clean heart, the power of God and a tongue, heart and mind trained by the Word?!


Saturday, 11 August 2012

Aliens... Benevolent Helpers or Destructive Decievers

As with many other "signs in the heavens", there seems to be an upswing in the number of UFO sightings and similar phenomena. 

It is no coincidence that this is happening. The new age view of this phenomena is that intelligent creatures from other worlds are trying to keep us from destroying ourselves and to usher us into an age of enlightenment but have to do so slowly and clandestinely so as not to frighten us. This author's view goes a little more like this... These sightings are the clever deception of the enemy designed to draw us away from the TRUE intelligent One and His purpose for the earth. 

Let me make just a few points that I pray will lead our readers to research a little more and consider this view.

1) Satan transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). These "aliens" enjoy the reputation of being super-intelligent, benevolent and downright kind. Who (in the natural) would not welcome their help?

2) There are many similarities between so called alien abductions and demonic possession. The list is to long to repeat here but one who has suffered under a possession could in many cases tell their story without using the word "demon" and it would sound identical to the experiences of those who report alien abduction.

3) These little green men even look like depictions of demons. Some ancient carvings and totems from pagan religions that were involved with "spirit" worship have the large eyes that are so common in descriptions of aliens.

4) The possibilities of extra terrestrial helpers is a very powerful distraction from a biblical view of current world events. For those not inclined to believe the prophecies of the Word of God, the "little green men have come to help us" theory is certainly an effective too to keep people ignorant of the true nature of the increasing incidents of natural disasters, political and economic upheaval and so on.

5) It provides a way for even more deception. Should the enemy be allowed to perpetrate his charade, we may very well see a "first contact" in which these beings tell the world exactly what they want to hear... that they have been watching us for millennia and in fact are the ones who even spawned us several eons ago and now want to help make the last step to enlightenment and true peace. Ah... but first we have to help them fight against their enemy and ours (so called). This would then prepare worldly minds to further fight against the Lord and His heavenly Host when they appear. According to point one, it is even possible that Satan or one of his minions could masquerade as Jesus himself and use that to twist truth in the minds of unbelievers for his own ends.

Whatever the exact plans of the enemy are, they are NOT like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. These beings HAVE in fact been watching us for millennia and have been injecting themselves at various points in history (consider some of the "alien" like depictions in ancient temple carvings etc) but instead of wanting to lead us into an age of aquarius, their ultimate goal is to deceive us from coming to a full knowledge of our Creator and Saviour, Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah).

Reject the alien lie. Our true salvation from what is coming is in the person of the Son of God. Turn to Him to lead, guide and save you.


Sunday, 5 August 2012

Assassin Mosquitos?

We knew nanotechnology was headed this way. Technology now exists to manufacture robotic insects like the one pictured above. They can be controlled remotely controlled and be equipped with both a camera and a microphone. They can land on you, take a DNA sample or leave an RFID tracking device in your skin. If you are one of those unfortunate people deemed a terrorist (meaning you haven't given your complete trust and life over to your government, you go to church and aren't keen on global government) this insect can also deliver deadly poisons to eliminate you as a threat.

It would seem West Nile Virus isn't the only reason to have a good fly swatter around. I wonder if electrified sweaters will be all the rage soon.

Sunday, 29 July 2012


There’s something amiss when the creation resists
all that the Creator stands for.
As I gaze at the cross... it reflects a world lost
With Christ knocking on every Door.
Man thinking himself good... Did that which he thought he should.
With charges of blasphemy and plenty of religiosity
Refused to believe the Word... being filled with animosity.

Delivering the Lord to the Court of courts.
And so the trial did promptly begin.
He was alone, having not a character witness nor even a friend.
And when the judge could find no law against him.
Washing his hands, I’m sure he did what he can...
All... except free this sinless man.

Guilty... Guilty was the outcry from the crowd!
And the Law that was... became no law at all and yet... God smiled!
So there our Savior laid with out stretched arms.
Demonstrating His love despite the harm.
And while every man is born in sin...
The injustice we profess doesn’t compare to the injustice he was placed in.

There’s something amiss when the creation resists.
All that the Creator stands for even now... like then.
But an empty Tomb was God’s reward for a work well done.
Not to be hid the Lord shone forth His only Son.
For Jesus showed His love toward all mankind.
And now there is life after death in only His name you will find!

But... Let the other side of the cross speak also.
That what and who we are has surely been exposed.
For in God’s love so openly displayed...
We did show our wretchedness that day.
And God’s Law of Love resoundingly defeated...
Our law of justice which we misdeeded.
Our anger truly showed only to see the peace of God flow.
And our fearfulness for no reason illuminated God’s love for all seasons.

The Cross is the meeting place for all of this...
And believe it or not, the Creator let the creation insist!
So let us remember the wisdom the Cross is meant to bring.
God will have his day of justice that righteousness which is fairness ought ring.
For the other side of the cross speaks well of his return.
Sitting on the right hand side of the Father... this he earned!
But there are yet those who chose not to believe...
Like doubting Thomas...They say, “not by faith but by sight must I see!”

But blessed are those who believe and have not seen!
For no more is God a mystery and neither is he a dream.
For you see... Grace and Mercy has been born out of injustice.
And it is the other side of the cross which gives us this message.
That our way of justice means nothing when Truth demands His return.
For this is why the Word declares the Earth shall burn
And we who are caught up in His Rapture shall bear witness..
Revealing that the Other Side of the Cross was a lesson that went Unlearned!

Copyright @Gregory Booker 

Olympic Sized Disaster?

Anyone who considers themself a "truther" is well versed in the predictions regarding a huge cataclysmic event at the London Olympics, probably orchestrated by the globalists. 

The evidence sure weighs heavily in support for such predictions but the Opening Ceremonies have come and gone without such tragedy. Perhaps those pulling the strings had to change their plans mid-stream and there yet may be an event. If nothing happens, then it is likely because of the prayers of God's people and the work of those willing to spread the news about the activities of these shady groups.

Be encouraged brethren. The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much. 

However this plays out in the end, the true end of all things results in God being glorified, His eternal kingdom being established here on earth and His people enjoying peace and safety for all time.


Saturday, 14 July 2012

Being Truly Ready for the Rapture

A blog is no place to try and settle the Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib Post-Trib debate with long drawn out reason and logic so I won't even try. 

I will appeal to a different kind of reason instead.

I believe that Christians will see at LEAST part of the tribulation. Here are some quick key points to support that argument:

1) Daniel says that the saints will be given over to tribulation for 3.5 years. Now even if that means the first half of the tribulation... we are still destined to be here and be persecuted somewhat.

2) Matthew 24:21-31, Mark 13:24-27 and Luke 21:25:27 mention that the rapture will occur AFTER the great tribulation. No explanation needed there. As scary as this sounds, these verses state that we will be here for the whole 7 years.

I know that arguments exist for all beliefs... and they, for the most part are all good arguments but let's cut past those arguments right now...

If I'm right... and the rapture occurs not before the tribulation but at some part after its start, what is the safe stance to take?

If we prepare to go through persecution and calamity, even prepare to be martyred and then we somehow get scooped up before it all starts, what have we lost? We will have prepared for something unnecessarily but will be confronted with joyful surprise at an early deliverance. 

Now look at the alternative.

If some lull themselves into a belief that we will be snatched out of here before the trouble starts and then it doesn't go down that way, those people will be unprepared for what is to come. They may also fall into confusion and despair, even to the point of rejecting their faith.

Don't let beliefs that you have nurtured for years blind you from the truly logical choice. Be truly prepared for the rapture by preparing to go through the troubled times that proceed it.


Friday, 13 July 2012

Crop Failure Causing Price Hike in Spark Plugs?

Because of the recent extreme weather, North America's corn crop (which, a few months ago was predicted to be robust) is going to be dismal, resulting in a further drop of corn reserves. 

"But I don't eat corn" you say. First of all... yes you do, and secondly, so what, you are still going to be affected. 

Derivatives of corn are in everything from paper products to instant coffee, soft drinks to cosmetics, drywall to tires and even in the specialized porcelain used to make spark plugs... not to mention ethanol. If you don't eat corn on the cob, there's still a good chance you eat something that depends on an ingredient derived from corn and that you use something dependent on a corn product. Another bad corn crop will cause price hikes in these and hundreds of other products. 

Matthew 24:7 says that in the last days there will be famines. North America has not, since perhaps pre-colonial times, suffered a true famine. Even during the great depression, deaths from starvation were likely (there are varying reports) insignificant. This time around, world food reserves are down to about half what they were in 1999. We (world's population) are now eating more food than we produce. Once those reserves are gone, widespread starvation will ramp up quickly. Most of us in the West have never been hungry... really hungry. Deep need can cause people to do desperate, criminal, godless, violent things and the realities of the lawless society that we have morphed into should dispel any notion that we would behave more civilly than those people we see on the evening news who have rioted for lack of food. 

Our only hope is in the saving grace of Yeshuah Ha Mashiach. He doesn't overtly promise the same protection to believers in these last days as He does to a remnant of Israel. He tells us to pray to escape the things to come but also to be prepared to be imprisoned and even martyred. What is important is walking in holiness with our God for the days we have left and standing firm for our saviour as a witness to this wicked and dying world. We would do well to claim the many promises of provision in the scriptures as well. Psalm 37:25, Proverbs 13:2 and Matthew 6:33 are a few of my favourites but there are so many others such as Deut 28:12, Deut 11:14, Psalm 111:5 and Luke 12:24.

When this coming tribulation is over, those who persevere to the end will be rewarded and will enter into eternity where there is no hunger, no death, no strife or stress... and no spark plugs. 


Saturday, 7 July 2012

Brand New Ghost Towns?

China, apparently has been on building spree. Makes sense considering their juggernaut, although fragile economy and their growing population. Much of the building is taking the form of brand new cities with complete infrastructure, entertainment complexes, schools and commercial districts, like the one in Ordos, Mongolia. Again, this seems to make sense. When one can build a whole city from scratch, one can avoid working around traffic congestion, decaying infrastructure and so on. One problem though... these cities have no people. Ordos (google coordinates 39°36′29.76″N 109°46′52.78″E) is almost completely void of people. Apparently the residential properties have been sold yet still no one lives there. What makes this sound sinister is that some of these Chinese-built ghost cities are in Africa. Kilamba, Angola (8°59′14.12″S 13°16′05.30″E) is an example of a brand new city built at the expense of about $3.5 billion yet is mostly uninhabited. Is this a worst case scenario of mad money in use or does the Chinese government know that something huge is coming down the pike that will render much of it's existing cities uninhabitable? Could this be one of the NWO's few site designated as "people centres"? Why Africa? It's a long way from China I'm sure there are other unpopulated areas just a little closer to home. 

Whatever theory you come up with... something strange is going on.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Lines are Becoming Clearer

Anyone who has studied prophecy knows that the end times will include events that will increase in frequency and in spectacularity. It is quite another thing to be walking in them. Now that we are in the heat of the beginning of sorrows, the sheer enormity of evidences should cause us to step very clearly onto one side of God's dividing line or the other. To list the evidences would turn this blog into a book but more recently are the subtle moves by governments toward a totalitarian, one world system, and a military situation in the Middle East that has all the looks of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy.

Every day brings us one day closer to the time when we will face the creator of all things. We will see Him either as a loving master who will wipe away our tears and welcome us into His kingdom and reign along side Him, or we will see Him as an angry father who will show us that our "good works" were stubble and hay and will be burnt. God forbid we see Him as judge, who will say to us, I never knew you; depart from Me you who practice lawlessness. (Remember even some who call Christ, "Lord Lord" will be included in this group) 

Every news report of a natural disaster, war, food shortage, or near miss by an asteroid, should cause us to step further into the realm of holiness and righteousness. The world and it's pleasures should look less and less desirable. The desire to share our truth with others should grow stronger.

When this "probation" period that the whole world has been in for the last 6000 years is over, we should find ourselves so far from God's line in the sand that we can't even see it. I pray there will be no one on the other side of the line, yet sadly, know that there will. 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Land of Milk and Honey

This video shows how God is blessing Israel again. It is a miracle how the land has been transformed from a wasteland only a few decades ago to one of the top producing exporters. Once again, God has shown that His hand of blessing and protection is on His people.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Near Miss or Wake Up Call?

Near-Earth asteroid 2011 MD passed only 12,300 kilometers (7,600 miles) above the Earth's surface on Monday June 27, 2011 at about 1:00 PM EDT. This asteroid was only discovered 5 days earlier by a team from New Mexico. It was about the size of a small house. Had it hit the earth, even over water, we would be in a very serious situation today.

The part of this news that should open most eyes is that there was essentially no warning. So many trust, at some level that science and government has a plan to protect us from these stellar threats but this event proves that we cannot trust in man. Even if the governments of the world had an actionable plan to destroy or deflect a stone house hurtling at us at over 40,000 Km/Hr, could they execute that plan in less than 5 days? I don't think so.

This the closest near-miss we've had on record, although not the only. There have been over 8 near-misses in the last year including a similarly-sized rock on June 2... and there are more to come.

2012 DA14 will pass within about 3.5 Earth radii of the Earth's surface on February 15, 2013. Although its size is not clear, this object is thought to be about 45 meters in diameter. Asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass inside the geosynchronous satellite ring, located about 35,800 km above the equator. It will achieve a magnitude of less than seven, which will make it hard to see without a telescope. About 4 minutes after its Earth close approach, there is a good chance it will pass into the Earth's shadow for about 18 minutes or so before reappearing from the eclipse.

More space rocks are coming our way (two to be exact) and according to the bible, they won't be near-misses. Revelation chapter 8 speaks of two objects, a great mountain and a great star that will strike the earth and cause death and destruction. Could the near misses of this past year simply be a wake up call? Don't put your hope in man. Put your hope in the living God so that you can benefit from His protection when the troubled times come.

Friday, 20 April 2012

The 10 Commandments

The Word teaches over and over again that we are to keep the commandments of God, however many seem to hang on to ONE verse in the New Testament that SEEMS to suggest that they have been done away with. Check out this video and then decide... Are the 10 Commandments still in effect?

Monday, 16 April 2012

Syrian Rebels Persecute Christians

It is becoming a little more difficult to sympathize and side with Syrian rebels and their struggle now that we know that they are responsible for many tortures and mass slaughters of Christians. The Christian population in Syria has dropped 98% since the uprising began, apparently because the rebels are turning against believers as they fight the Assad regime.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Pray for Israel

As you might have guessed from this blog's internet address, we are concerned for the peace and safety of Israel.

“My heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Jewish people is that they may be saved” –Romans 10:1 (my deep desire).

Please watch this video that provides convincing evidence that God's hand of protection and blessing is upon them. They still need our support though as most of the world turns their back on them.... so watch... and pray.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Our Blog Has Officially Launched

Time is so short and there is so much to do and say...

'The Word' blog  is one place you can say it.

Please Share What is Your is On Your Heart.

Do you have a question or comment about Jesus Is Lord Of All? 
This is a great place to share it with others.

Have you received answer to prayer? 
Post your testimony here.

Need prayer? 
That can be posted here too.

Is It Hard to Live by God's Moral Standard?

"The Lord wishes for no one to perish so it’s up to us" John 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:9.

I was struck over and over, in meeting and talking to many people by those who find it hard to maintain their moral values and God's ethical standards. We all know that without God’s help no one can do it, but it is possible. Without knowledge of a Holy God, a person is accountable to no one but themselves, and unless one is caught in the act of breaking one of these standards, the unethical act goes unnoticed… or so some think.

To many, life is a game of chance, forgetting that God sees all and knows all. Many, who call themselves children of God, have forgotten that while our Father in heaven is a loving God, He must also be feared as he has all final authority in heaven and Earth. As the Scripture tells us, we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).

Let Christ be our guide... not the so called “standards” of society... what the world taught us growing up. “What would Jesus do?” is often so over used, however we are to love and care for each other and be doers of His Word. Let’s make up our minds to be light and salt in a dark and tasteless world, because we will all reap what we sow, good or bad.

We are each going to stand alone in giving an account for all our sins. He said He will be coming with rewards to give to everyone according to his work (Revelation 22:12). I know there's only one place we can go when we die and that choice is yours or mine to make… heaven or the lake of fire. Please know where you are going by understanding that it is certain, that if we do nothing we'll go to the latter.

The good news is through Christ we can be forgiven and the desires of our hearts can move away from “self” into desiring to please God, even in the little things. It is simple. Just ask God, who is Lord of all, to come into your life and take over. Let Him know you are ready to give Him the reins of your life so that you can live the life He created, planned and wanted for you from before you were born. Yes He knew us before we were even born.

Where we go is up to us. As for me, my hope is in God's grace and mercy. We will all die once then whoever chooses to be stubborn and curse God, will experience a second death. God is always good, and He waits for all with patience. He is good all the time, no matter what He does, He does it for goodness and righteousness’s sake. His Word is that "He wishes for no one to perish” so it’s up to us (John 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:9).

Be the change that you want to see in others

                                                                                         - AR