Friday, 20 April 2012

The 10 Commandments

The Word teaches over and over again that we are to keep the commandments of God, however many seem to hang on to ONE verse in the New Testament that SEEMS to suggest that they have been done away with. Check out this video and then decide... Are the 10 Commandments still in effect?

1 comment:

  1. The Ten Commandments have always been in effect and is embodied in the very soul and conscious of humans. These commandments issued from God to Moses are simply a matter of record. Man was already acting these laws out in varying degrees because God has imputed them in us as the basis for knowing the "knowledge of good and evil". However, obedience to them does not eradicate or cover our sin nature which the "animal sacrifices" sin offering did on a temporary basis under the Law or permanently cover as the blood of Jesus now does for our sin nature. Cain knew he had broken a law when he murdered Abel. Worshiping God was already being done by men from the beginning and etc. I call these laws of consciousness in the heart of man.
