Saturday, 11 August 2012

Aliens... Benevolent Helpers or Destructive Decievers

As with many other "signs in the heavens", there seems to be an upswing in the number of UFO sightings and similar phenomena. 

It is no coincidence that this is happening. The new age view of this phenomena is that intelligent creatures from other worlds are trying to keep us from destroying ourselves and to usher us into an age of enlightenment but have to do so slowly and clandestinely so as not to frighten us. This author's view goes a little more like this... These sightings are the clever deception of the enemy designed to draw us away from the TRUE intelligent One and His purpose for the earth. 

Let me make just a few points that I pray will lead our readers to research a little more and consider this view.

1) Satan transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). These "aliens" enjoy the reputation of being super-intelligent, benevolent and downright kind. Who (in the natural) would not welcome their help?

2) There are many similarities between so called alien abductions and demonic possession. The list is to long to repeat here but one who has suffered under a possession could in many cases tell their story without using the word "demon" and it would sound identical to the experiences of those who report alien abduction.

3) These little green men even look like depictions of demons. Some ancient carvings and totems from pagan religions that were involved with "spirit" worship have the large eyes that are so common in descriptions of aliens.

4) The possibilities of extra terrestrial helpers is a very powerful distraction from a biblical view of current world events. For those not inclined to believe the prophecies of the Word of God, the "little green men have come to help us" theory is certainly an effective too to keep people ignorant of the true nature of the increasing incidents of natural disasters, political and economic upheaval and so on.

5) It provides a way for even more deception. Should the enemy be allowed to perpetrate his charade, we may very well see a "first contact" in which these beings tell the world exactly what they want to hear... that they have been watching us for millennia and in fact are the ones who even spawned us several eons ago and now want to help make the last step to enlightenment and true peace. Ah... but first we have to help them fight against their enemy and ours (so called). This would then prepare worldly minds to further fight against the Lord and His heavenly Host when they appear. According to point one, it is even possible that Satan or one of his minions could masquerade as Jesus himself and use that to twist truth in the minds of unbelievers for his own ends.

Whatever the exact plans of the enemy are, they are NOT like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. These beings HAVE in fact been watching us for millennia and have been injecting themselves at various points in history (consider some of the "alien" like depictions in ancient temple carvings etc) but instead of wanting to lead us into an age of aquarius, their ultimate goal is to deceive us from coming to a full knowledge of our Creator and Saviour, Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah).

Reject the alien lie. Our true salvation from what is coming is in the person of the Son of God. Turn to Him to lead, guide and save you.



  1. I agree with the potential for such deception to occur. People are so moved by things they see by sight instead of by faith they can misinterpret what the scripture has already warned us about. In the Book of Revelations it is written God will throw every wicked demon and foul spirit out of heavens and cast them down with the Devil to the earth and the Devil will be angry and full of his own wrath. The Devil will know his time is short and all he will want to do is to kill steal ( take souls even seeking after the elect with him) and destroy. All of these are character traits of the AntiChrist soon to come as the human embodiment of satanic hatred against the things of God.

    One very visible sign that I recognize as supernatural and possibly as a sign of the demons being cast out are the numerous Crop Circles that have occurred on all seven continents in great numbers. The biggest impact of these were in the early 90's. I followed up on these and have a CD which shows clearly no human or group of humans could have caused this. Another sign would we say??

  2. Thanks for your comments Gregory. Yes crop circles certainly seem to be another demonic manifestation designed to draw attention to the paranormal and away from the truth of the living God

    Bless you
