Friday, 16 November 2012

A Prayer from Canada

Father in heaven

These are dark times. The U.S. is more divided than it has been in nearly 150 years. Your people Israel are facing a greater threat than they have in decades, the earth is groaning and people are desperate. Send out a spirit of truth and trust... a spirit of repentance and reconciliation, a spirit of power and peace. Help believers in the U.S. to know that You are in control... that sometimes the storm has to break up the ship they are on in order for them to make it to shore. Help those that call themselves by Your name to not let the waves around them, cause them to lash out at their brothers and sisters. Help them to see that when things look impossible, that the only place they can turn is to the God of the impossible. Ready their hearts for what is ahead. May eyes be open and hearts be receptive. Help them to shed anything that is not of You in their lives and start on a new path that You direct. Draw Your children to You.

May those in Israel not put their trust in military might or political process but to You and You alone. We know that You will glorify yourself through the attack that is coming and that the world will know that You ARE Lord. May a cry of faith go up from Eilat to Metula so that many will be saved and that the millions in Israel that do not even believe in You come to know Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and be vessels of Your will.

Give us all a heart and a mind to walk in You in the coming months. May You be pleased to be in our midst and may You glorify Yourself through us.

Thank You for Your hand of protection, provision and empowerment in these dark times. Bless You oh Holy One of Israel.

In the name of Yeshua, Your only begotten son... Amen. 


  1. Thank you for your prayer for America. One Nation Under God, Indivisable, with Liberty and Justice for ALL... used to be repeated in every school in America... We have been invaded from within. The stage is set, and my prayer is that those who wish to be God's will be strenthened and filled with divine wisdom to navigate the coming years. It is going to be very hard... and trusting and leaning on Jesus Christ, looking to God the Father, making Him the center of our lives and hearts, inviting The Holy Spirit to be our guide and teacher... is the only way to get through it. No more coasting.

    1. Bless you Songbird.

      If everyone had your view of things, then the US would come out of this stronger and more blessed than ever.

    2. Indeed "Songbird", Yes, indeed if everyone was walking in reverence of their Creator the nations would be a better place, that's for sure. When and if we put Him first, then we see His promises, because He stands on His promises, all the time, never a covenant promise breaker... He is righteous just and true, a great and awesome God of creation, and he is good all the time!
