Saturday, 1 December 2012

UN Resolution and the Gog/Magog War

Well this one seems to have snuck in under the radar.

When the PA's bid for recognition by the UN died out months ago, I figured they would eventually try again but that we'd hear about it before hand, like we did months ago but just like so many political decisions being made today, they seem to pass without the general public's knowledge or consent. Isn't it ironic that the very same organization that helped create the modern state of Israel now becomes the vehicle for the greatest threat to its survival?

Recognizing the PA seems in this case also recognizing the Palestinian-friendly map of the region in which Jerusalem is in PA territory and Israel becomes essentially indefensible. This decision by the UN changes nothing on the ground as Benjamin Netanyahu said but it certainly will embolden the terrorist state. It may very well be just the push that Israel's enemies need to launch an attack, in order to take back the territory lost in the 1967 war. This could be the groundwork for the Gog/Magog war mentioned in Ezekiel.

Could we have stopped this? Probably not but it does not matter whether this particular gambit could have been prevented. The fact is that Israel will be surrounded by her enemies because it was prophesied and that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will step in and save them in such miraculous fashion (major earthquake with a little dash of pestilence, friendly-fire, hail, torrential rain, and let's not forget fire and brimestone) that the nation of Israel will need to create a "department of grave digging" and spend the following seven months burying bodies. Alongside that, they will have collected enough weapons to burn in place of wood for seven years. Okay... that one escapes me a bit. How exactly does one use a spent RPG to bake bread? I'm obviously missing something. I wonder if some new type of weapons will be used.

What do we do? Only what we've been told in the scripture. Pray for the peace of Israel. Also give financially or materially, if we can, to build bomb shelters and support those on the ground already to counsel our Jewish brothers and sisters that are no doubt feeling a lot of stress right now. It may very well be that after this event, the 144, 000 Jewish men come on the scene (after having seen the power of God save them) and start evangelizing the rest of Israel (and I hope the world). This may also be the time that antichrist barters his peace treaty with Israel, only to break it 3.5 years later.

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