Saturday, 14 July 2012

Being Truly Ready for the Rapture

A blog is no place to try and settle the Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib Post-Trib debate with long drawn out reason and logic so I won't even try. 

I will appeal to a different kind of reason instead.

I believe that Christians will see at LEAST part of the tribulation. Here are some quick key points to support that argument:

1) Daniel says that the saints will be given over to tribulation for 3.5 years. Now even if that means the first half of the tribulation... we are still destined to be here and be persecuted somewhat.

2) Matthew 24:21-31, Mark 13:24-27 and Luke 21:25:27 mention that the rapture will occur AFTER the great tribulation. No explanation needed there. As scary as this sounds, these verses state that we will be here for the whole 7 years.

I know that arguments exist for all beliefs... and they, for the most part are all good arguments but let's cut past those arguments right now...

If I'm right... and the rapture occurs not before the tribulation but at some part after its start, what is the safe stance to take?

If we prepare to go through persecution and calamity, even prepare to be martyred and then we somehow get scooped up before it all starts, what have we lost? We will have prepared for something unnecessarily but will be confronted with joyful surprise at an early deliverance. 

Now look at the alternative.

If some lull themselves into a belief that we will be snatched out of here before the trouble starts and then it doesn't go down that way, those people will be unprepared for what is to come. They may also fall into confusion and despair, even to the point of rejecting their faith.

Don't let beliefs that you have nurtured for years blind you from the truly logical choice. Be truly prepared for the rapture by preparing to go through the troubled times that proceed it.


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