Friday, 13 July 2012

Crop Failure Causing Price Hike in Spark Plugs?

Because of the recent extreme weather, North America's corn crop (which, a few months ago was predicted to be robust) is going to be dismal, resulting in a further drop of corn reserves. 

"But I don't eat corn" you say. First of all... yes you do, and secondly, so what, you are still going to be affected. 

Derivatives of corn are in everything from paper products to instant coffee, soft drinks to cosmetics, drywall to tires and even in the specialized porcelain used to make spark plugs... not to mention ethanol. If you don't eat corn on the cob, there's still a good chance you eat something that depends on an ingredient derived from corn and that you use something dependent on a corn product. Another bad corn crop will cause price hikes in these and hundreds of other products. 

Matthew 24:7 says that in the last days there will be famines. North America has not, since perhaps pre-colonial times, suffered a true famine. Even during the great depression, deaths from starvation were likely (there are varying reports) insignificant. This time around, world food reserves are down to about half what they were in 1999. We (world's population) are now eating more food than we produce. Once those reserves are gone, widespread starvation will ramp up quickly. Most of us in the West have never been hungry... really hungry. Deep need can cause people to do desperate, criminal, godless, violent things and the realities of the lawless society that we have morphed into should dispel any notion that we would behave more civilly than those people we see on the evening news who have rioted for lack of food. 

Our only hope is in the saving grace of Yeshuah Ha Mashiach. He doesn't overtly promise the same protection to believers in these last days as He does to a remnant of Israel. He tells us to pray to escape the things to come but also to be prepared to be imprisoned and even martyred. What is important is walking in holiness with our God for the days we have left and standing firm for our saviour as a witness to this wicked and dying world. We would do well to claim the many promises of provision in the scriptures as well. Psalm 37:25, Proverbs 13:2 and Matthew 6:33 are a few of my favourites but there are so many others such as Deut 28:12, Deut 11:14, Psalm 111:5 and Luke 12:24.

When this coming tribulation is over, those who persevere to the end will be rewarded and will enter into eternity where there is no hunger, no death, no strife or stress... and no spark plugs. 


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