Sunday, 29 July 2012


There’s something amiss when the creation resists
all that the Creator stands for.
As I gaze at the cross... it reflects a world lost
With Christ knocking on every Door.
Man thinking himself good... Did that which he thought he should.
With charges of blasphemy and plenty of religiosity
Refused to believe the Word... being filled with animosity.

Delivering the Lord to the Court of courts.
And so the trial did promptly begin.
He was alone, having not a character witness nor even a friend.
And when the judge could find no law against him.
Washing his hands, I’m sure he did what he can...
All... except free this sinless man.

Guilty... Guilty was the outcry from the crowd!
And the Law that was... became no law at all and yet... God smiled!
So there our Savior laid with out stretched arms.
Demonstrating His love despite the harm.
And while every man is born in sin...
The injustice we profess doesn’t compare to the injustice he was placed in.

There’s something amiss when the creation resists.
All that the Creator stands for even now... like then.
But an empty Tomb was God’s reward for a work well done.
Not to be hid the Lord shone forth His only Son.
For Jesus showed His love toward all mankind.
And now there is life after death in only His name you will find!

But... Let the other side of the cross speak also.
That what and who we are has surely been exposed.
For in God’s love so openly displayed...
We did show our wretchedness that day.
And God’s Law of Love resoundingly defeated...
Our law of justice which we misdeeded.
Our anger truly showed only to see the peace of God flow.
And our fearfulness for no reason illuminated God’s love for all seasons.

The Cross is the meeting place for all of this...
And believe it or not, the Creator let the creation insist!
So let us remember the wisdom the Cross is meant to bring.
God will have his day of justice that righteousness which is fairness ought ring.
For the other side of the cross speaks well of his return.
Sitting on the right hand side of the Father... this he earned!
But there are yet those who chose not to believe...
Like doubting Thomas...They say, “not by faith but by sight must I see!”

But blessed are those who believe and have not seen!
For no more is God a mystery and neither is he a dream.
For you see... Grace and Mercy has been born out of injustice.
And it is the other side of the cross which gives us this message.
That our way of justice means nothing when Truth demands His return.
For this is why the Word declares the Earth shall burn
And we who are caught up in His Rapture shall bear witness..
Revealing that the Other Side of the Cross was a lesson that went Unlearned!

Copyright @Gregory Booker 

Olympic Sized Disaster?

Anyone who considers themself a "truther" is well versed in the predictions regarding a huge cataclysmic event at the London Olympics, probably orchestrated by the globalists. 

The evidence sure weighs heavily in support for such predictions but the Opening Ceremonies have come and gone without such tragedy. Perhaps those pulling the strings had to change their plans mid-stream and there yet may be an event. If nothing happens, then it is likely because of the prayers of God's people and the work of those willing to spread the news about the activities of these shady groups.

Be encouraged brethren. The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much. 

However this plays out in the end, the true end of all things results in God being glorified, His eternal kingdom being established here on earth and His people enjoying peace and safety for all time.


Saturday, 14 July 2012

Being Truly Ready for the Rapture

A blog is no place to try and settle the Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib Post-Trib debate with long drawn out reason and logic so I won't even try. 

I will appeal to a different kind of reason instead.

I believe that Christians will see at LEAST part of the tribulation. Here are some quick key points to support that argument:

1) Daniel says that the saints will be given over to tribulation for 3.5 years. Now even if that means the first half of the tribulation... we are still destined to be here and be persecuted somewhat.

2) Matthew 24:21-31, Mark 13:24-27 and Luke 21:25:27 mention that the rapture will occur AFTER the great tribulation. No explanation needed there. As scary as this sounds, these verses state that we will be here for the whole 7 years.

I know that arguments exist for all beliefs... and they, for the most part are all good arguments but let's cut past those arguments right now...

If I'm right... and the rapture occurs not before the tribulation but at some part after its start, what is the safe stance to take?

If we prepare to go through persecution and calamity, even prepare to be martyred and then we somehow get scooped up before it all starts, what have we lost? We will have prepared for something unnecessarily but will be confronted with joyful surprise at an early deliverance. 

Now look at the alternative.

If some lull themselves into a belief that we will be snatched out of here before the trouble starts and then it doesn't go down that way, those people will be unprepared for what is to come. They may also fall into confusion and despair, even to the point of rejecting their faith.

Don't let beliefs that you have nurtured for years blind you from the truly logical choice. Be truly prepared for the rapture by preparing to go through the troubled times that proceed it.


Friday, 13 July 2012

Crop Failure Causing Price Hike in Spark Plugs?

Because of the recent extreme weather, North America's corn crop (which, a few months ago was predicted to be robust) is going to be dismal, resulting in a further drop of corn reserves. 

"But I don't eat corn" you say. First of all... yes you do, and secondly, so what, you are still going to be affected. 

Derivatives of corn are in everything from paper products to instant coffee, soft drinks to cosmetics, drywall to tires and even in the specialized porcelain used to make spark plugs... not to mention ethanol. If you don't eat corn on the cob, there's still a good chance you eat something that depends on an ingredient derived from corn and that you use something dependent on a corn product. Another bad corn crop will cause price hikes in these and hundreds of other products. 

Matthew 24:7 says that in the last days there will be famines. North America has not, since perhaps pre-colonial times, suffered a true famine. Even during the great depression, deaths from starvation were likely (there are varying reports) insignificant. This time around, world food reserves are down to about half what they were in 1999. We (world's population) are now eating more food than we produce. Once those reserves are gone, widespread starvation will ramp up quickly. Most of us in the West have never been hungry... really hungry. Deep need can cause people to do desperate, criminal, godless, violent things and the realities of the lawless society that we have morphed into should dispel any notion that we would behave more civilly than those people we see on the evening news who have rioted for lack of food. 

Our only hope is in the saving grace of Yeshuah Ha Mashiach. He doesn't overtly promise the same protection to believers in these last days as He does to a remnant of Israel. He tells us to pray to escape the things to come but also to be prepared to be imprisoned and even martyred. What is important is walking in holiness with our God for the days we have left and standing firm for our saviour as a witness to this wicked and dying world. We would do well to claim the many promises of provision in the scriptures as well. Psalm 37:25, Proverbs 13:2 and Matthew 6:33 are a few of my favourites but there are so many others such as Deut 28:12, Deut 11:14, Psalm 111:5 and Luke 12:24.

When this coming tribulation is over, those who persevere to the end will be rewarded and will enter into eternity where there is no hunger, no death, no strife or stress... and no spark plugs. 


Saturday, 7 July 2012

Brand New Ghost Towns?

China, apparently has been on building spree. Makes sense considering their juggernaut, although fragile economy and their growing population. Much of the building is taking the form of brand new cities with complete infrastructure, entertainment complexes, schools and commercial districts, like the one in Ordos, Mongolia. Again, this seems to make sense. When one can build a whole city from scratch, one can avoid working around traffic congestion, decaying infrastructure and so on. One problem though... these cities have no people. Ordos (google coordinates 39°36′29.76″N 109°46′52.78″E) is almost completely void of people. Apparently the residential properties have been sold yet still no one lives there. What makes this sound sinister is that some of these Chinese-built ghost cities are in Africa. Kilamba, Angola (8°59′14.12″S 13°16′05.30″E) is an example of a brand new city built at the expense of about $3.5 billion yet is mostly uninhabited. Is this a worst case scenario of mad money in use or does the Chinese government know that something huge is coming down the pike that will render much of it's existing cities uninhabitable? Could this be one of the NWO's few site designated as "people centres"? Why Africa? It's a long way from China I'm sure there are other unpopulated areas just a little closer to home. 

Whatever theory you come up with... something strange is going on.