Friday, 16 November 2012

A Prayer from Canada

Father in heaven

These are dark times. The U.S. is more divided than it has been in nearly 150 years. Your people Israel are facing a greater threat than they have in decades, the earth is groaning and people are desperate. Send out a spirit of truth and trust... a spirit of repentance and reconciliation, a spirit of power and peace. Help believers in the U.S. to know that You are in control... that sometimes the storm has to break up the ship they are on in order for them to make it to shore. Help those that call themselves by Your name to not let the waves around them, cause them to lash out at their brothers and sisters. Help them to see that when things look impossible, that the only place they can turn is to the God of the impossible. Ready their hearts for what is ahead. May eyes be open and hearts be receptive. Help them to shed anything that is not of You in their lives and start on a new path that You direct. Draw Your children to You.

May those in Israel not put their trust in military might or political process but to You and You alone. We know that You will glorify yourself through the attack that is coming and that the world will know that You ARE Lord. May a cry of faith go up from Eilat to Metula so that many will be saved and that the millions in Israel that do not even believe in You come to know Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and be vessels of Your will.

Give us all a heart and a mind to walk in You in the coming months. May You be pleased to be in our midst and may You glorify Yourself through us.

Thank You for Your hand of protection, provision and empowerment in these dark times. Bless You oh Holy One of Israel.

In the name of Yeshua, Your only begotten son... Amen. 

Friday, 9 November 2012

Now What?

Two years ago, few people would have dreamed that Obama had a chance at a second term. Well it has happened, so now what?

For those still in shock, imagine what the disciples felt the day after the crucifixion. Before anyone thinks I am comparing Obama to our Messiah, I'm most certainly NOT... although many people early in his first term did. He in turn, mocked that sentiment in a speech he gave... but that... is for another blog.

I am saying, to a very small degree, that the disappointment some are feeling today has similarities. In the minds of the disciples, Christ was supposed to conquer the Roman oppressors and set up His earthly kingdom in their time but all their hopes had been dashed. Arrest? Torture?, Death? None of these factored into their plans even though Yeshua told them many times that those things must first take place. Coming to grips with the fact that the things we've seen in the last four years (gutting of the constitution, basic freedoms being eroded, hats being tipped to radical islamists) may continue and even ramp up, can be a depressing thought. 

Like the disciples though, let's not be shortsighted. No one saw what was coming, not even satan. Had he known what was to occur in a couple of days, he would not have influenced the people to crucify Yeshua. God is never limited and He desires to show himself mighty on the behalf of His people who will humble themselves before Him and turn from their sin and pray. Scripture seems to indicate that the world at this point cannot go back to its prosperous and carefree times and no one country can have pre-eminance anymore... it just doesn't play into God's endtime scenario. Times will be tough for many who have become used to privilege and ease (relatively speaking) but we are also one day closer to the resurrection.

Since the fall of man, all of creation has been groaning, waiting expectantly for the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8) If we can turn our sight to that day when our Saviour returns and does what Peter and John and the others thought He was going to do 2000 years ago, then we can weather the coming storm a bit better. If we will turn from our sin, humble ourselves and pray, then we can also believe God for supernatural protection and provision. 

This battle is not over yet either. God is a god of the impossible. Votes are still being counted, there could be unseen circumstances that may come into play... things could yet still change. The same hand that brought water out of a rock to give drink to a million people in the desert can do anything for His people.

Pray to Him, seek Him, listen for His voice, look for what He might do. If His will is for the current administration to stay in power, so be it, we have a better promise... a universal kingdom with no death, disease, hunger or pain... a kingdom of peace, joy and righteousness that will last for eternity. Isn't that worth four more years of... well you get my point.


Friday, 2 November 2012

Seemingly No Choice

When the Israelites were "locked" onto the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, the choices seemed rather poor; drown in the sea, starve on the beach or die at the hands of Pharoah's army which was now thundering through the narrow canyon towards them. Likewise, many may be thinking that there is no real choice in the upcoming election. One candidate seems pretty bent on continuing to "downgrade" the country, the other (a member of a cult) seems to serve the same special interest groups and ultimately the same one world order agenda. 

What is the believer to do?

He/she could just abstain from voting. I'm sure many will choose that route but perhaps there is a fourth choice... think about the exodus story again.

Contrary to the famous movie line by Yul Brenner, "Moses's God is a poor general", Yahweh knew exactly what He was doing. Our Creator did not look down and say, "oops, there is only one way onto or off of that beach and the chariots are coming... what ever shall I do?". No of course not. He wanted to show the Israelites and us today, that the great El Elyon will not, and cannot be penned in by mountains, oceans or circumstances. He brought His people to that beach to show them that He is the God of the impossible, the God of the unseen choice.

If God's people will humble themselves and pray, perhaps God will once again, do the impossible. "How can that be" you might say. "There is no third candidate and no time..." Humanly speaking you are absolutely right, but then who has ever heard of a wind blowing through an eight mile stretch of sea, creating a water-walled passage allowing people to cross over on dry ground?

The election is only days away. Pray for another choice.