Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Lines are Becoming Clearer

Anyone who has studied prophecy knows that the end times will include events that will increase in frequency and in spectacularity. It is quite another thing to be walking in them. Now that we are in the heat of the beginning of sorrows, the sheer enormity of evidences should cause us to step very clearly onto one side of God's dividing line or the other. To list the evidences would turn this blog into a book but more recently are the subtle moves by governments toward a totalitarian, one world system, and a military situation in the Middle East that has all the looks of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy.

Every day brings us one day closer to the time when we will face the creator of all things. We will see Him either as a loving master who will wipe away our tears and welcome us into His kingdom and reign along side Him, or we will see Him as an angry father who will show us that our "good works" were stubble and hay and will be burnt. God forbid we see Him as judge, who will say to us, I never knew you; depart from Me you who practice lawlessness. (Remember even some who call Christ, "Lord Lord" will be included in this group) 

Every news report of a natural disaster, war, food shortage, or near miss by an asteroid, should cause us to step further into the realm of holiness and righteousness. The world and it's pleasures should look less and less desirable. The desire to share our truth with others should grow stronger.

When this "probation" period that the whole world has been in for the last 6000 years is over, we should find ourselves so far from God's line in the sand that we can't even see it. I pray there will be no one on the other side of the line, yet sadly, know that there will.